Liz McCormick

Liz McCormick
With a sizeable portion of the globe occupying hot-humid climate zones, Liz McCormick’s work strives to enhance architectural innovation and construction technologies in tropical regions. She is an architect, educator, and researcher whose work explores climatically sensitive and contextually appropriate building enclosure designs that both connect the occupant to the outdoors and reduce the dependence on mechanical conditioning.
Liz is a licensed architect, LEED AP, and Certified Passive House Consultant. With nearly 10 years of experience in Santa Fe, Seattle, Boston, Houston, Singapore, and New Orleans, Liz has worked on a variety of projects, including several single-family passive houses and LEED-certified commercial buildings and campuses. She joins UNC Charlotte from Tulane University in New Orleans.
She completed her Master of Science in Building Technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received a Bachelor of Fine Art and Bachelor of Architecture from the Rhode Island School of Design. Liz publishes and presents regularly at international conferences.